Monday, July 11, 2011

Mondoodle (a very late one, I might add)

WOWIE!!! Ladies and gentleman, I would like to formally apologize for my absence. It has been far too long since my last post. Maybe if I get some readers soon, it'll inspire me to post more *HINT HINT* Anyway, for your viewing pleasure, please enjoy this doodle I made in honor of the best season of the year.

Friday, March 11, 2011

SPRANG BREAK!!! ...Also, Fridoodle

Hooray! It's finally here, that joyous mid-semester week where i get to unwind at home with friends and family.  Yes, I will be in my sleepy little North Wisconsin hometown, but it's gonna be a blast.  So excited! VACATION!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Celebrity 2011

Well, I promised!  Here are the fabulous pics from my escapade as Mr. Perez Hilton.  Enjoy!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Hey there ladies and gentlemen,  Today's doodle is a special doodle indeed.  You see, tonight is my very good friend Nesli's birthday party, and she is requiring her guests to dress as a celebrity of their choosing. Now, when I heard this, I knew immediately who I had to be.  So, for your viewing pleasure, here is the doodle of the day:

Btw, party pics to follow ;)

Thursday, March 3, 2011